The securities and exchange board of India is the regulatory body for the finance and investment markets in India.The main objective of SEBI is to regulate the activities of the stock exchange. SEBI promote and develop activities in stock market and increase the business in the stock exchange and also promotes training for intermediates of the securities market.
DSB Law Group provides the services related to SEBI compliance to the listed companies, sub broker and broker companies. The firm assists such companies in strengthening the compliance ecosystem service related to better regulatory oversight and enhance improved compliance. To issue various certificate under its regulations. These regulations dictate provisions for dealing with issues and matters related to capital and disclosures to be made by the listed companies in India, in order to make the trading in securities flawless and beneficial both to the listed companies and the investors.Assisting in obtaining various regulatory approvals from SEBI/BSE/NSE.Assisting in delisting of companies from stock exchange under under SEBI regulation 2009.Assisting in compliance of various listing clauses under the listing agreement.
SEBI Departments
Commodity Derivatives Market Regulation Department
Corporation Finance Department
Department of Economic and Policy Analysis
Department of Debt and Hybrid Securities
Enforcement Department
Human Resources Department
Information Technology Department
Integrated Surveillance Department
Legal Affairs Department
Office of International Affairs