ESI (Employee state insurance)
DSB LAW GROUP provide ESI Registration Service. The ESI registration act 1948 pass by the legislature as an especially need based insurance scheme that protect life and living of worker in sickness or any kind of accident, death due to workers injury arise in loss of salary or capacity of individual. The ESI act also assurance reasonably good medical care to workers and thier instent dependents. ESI corporation has to oversee provision medical and cash advantage ESI card holders and family members.
ESI Registration has been done online from any where india
ESI Registration in India
ESI Registration
The ESI act also assurance reasonably good medical care to workers and thier instant dependents. ESI registration compolsary for all employee earning INR 30000 per month or less than per month as wages or salary. ESI registration is manadatory for more than 10 employee.
ESI Benefits to employee
ESI provides insurance scheme that protect life and living of worker in sickness or any kind of accident, death due to workers injury arise in loss of salary either volume on individual.The ESI scheme financed by donation on employers with employee.
Documents Are Required
- Document form 01 Employer registration
- Copy of Pan
- Bank account excisting certificate
- Copy of Vate registration
- A copy of any other registration as may be
- Declaration form each along with their 2 postcard size photos
PF (Provident Fund )
PF is one of the first platform of savings for working class in india for all people working in government, prrivate or public sector companies. Employee provident fund is done by DSB LAW GROUP. Companies which have employee strength of 20 or more are involove to be registered with provident fund department.
Documents Are Required
- Pan card of company/firm
- Cancelled cheque (Firm name and account number)
- Partnership deed ( in case of partnership)
- Certificate of registration (in case of company/partnership/LLP)
- Certificate of incorporation ( in case of company/Society)
- Copy of pan card of directors/ Partner
- Copy of aadhaar card/ Voter identity of directors
MSME Registration
The MSMED act 2006 micro small and medium enterprise are depend on speculation of the plant and machinery are those who are occupied of the manufacturing or production process of goods or speculation in equipment for business enterprises engaged in providing services.
Who can apply for MSME Registration
- Co- operative societies
- Assosiation of person
- Producer company
- Limited company
- Partnership firm
- Hindu Undivided Family
Documents Required For MSME
- Partnership Deed
- Adhaar card of the propritor/ All partners
- Pan Card of the propritor/ All partners
- Bank account statement
- Copy of purchase bill of each raw material purchase
- Copy of sale bill each and product
- Proof of ownership such as allotment letter/ Possession letter/ lease aggrement/ Property tax
- Purchase bill of machinery installed
Benifits of MSME Registration
- Eligible For IPS subsidy
- Exemptions under direct
- Reimbursement of ISO certification
- Can eassily approval for licance and registration
- Collaterial free loans from bank
- Waiving of stamp duty and registration fees
ESI Return
ESI is self financing social security and health insurance scheme for indian workers. This fund of ESI is control employee state insurance corporations and its rule regulations.The ESIC is applicable on all the esatblishment having 15 or more workers is benifical to all the employee is earning 20000 RS or less per month wages.
How to file ESI Return
- Log in employer portal using 17 digital employer digital code
- Go to monthly contribution section
- All the details of employer contribution will be displayed
- Verify the details
Provident fund return
Employee provident fund a retirement profit scheme for salaried people this fund maintained by employee provident fund organization of india.Epf registration mandatory for company/organization/firm more than 20 individual.
Employer needs to provide following details
- Name and address of the company along with head office and branch details
- Date of incorporation of company
- Provide details of employee
- Business of the company
- PAN details
- Banking details of the company
Following documents are required to furnish for successful registration of EPF
- Copy of partnership deed
- Certificate of incorporation
- Pan details of the company
- Proof of incorporation
- Salary details of employee
- Balancesheet of details
- Registration certificate
Joint Venture
Joint venture agreement is a arrangement between two companies develope’s in a different entity to the mutual benefit. It’s regarding as sharing of resources, capital, facilities. Usually a memorandum of understanding a entered earlier then entering into joint venture agreement.
- A well organized lawyers from our team shall contact you, and explain you the total process
- The draft legal notice shall be sent to you for your review
- once you approve it shall be served to the another party
- The whole process takes arround 3-4 working days
Vendor Agreement
A vendor agreement is a agreement which defined the terms and conditions of work to be achieve by the vendor. Vendor is typically used in report the organization that has paid for goods that are provided.
- Once the neutral of the same are clear the lawyar shall draft a sample legal notice correctly
- Draft legal notice shall be sent by you for your review
- Once you approve it shall be served to other party
- The whole process takes arround 3-4 working days
Service level agreement
A servise level agreement is a agreement in which the service provider and customer, it is a legal agreement in which the service provider and user of service.
- Once the neutral the same are clear, the shall draft are a sample legal notice accordingly
- Draft legal notice shall be sent by you for your review
- Once you approve it shall be served to another party
- The whole process takes arround 3-4 working days
Convert a private limited to public limited company
A private entity is a corporate organization enjoyed the comfort of registered corporate but conversion of a private organization into public concern has its reasons and accordingly.
- Board meeting to take directors approval for conversion
- General meeting to take members approval
- Filing of prescribed form with ROC
- Ossurance of fresh certificate by ROC
Partnership To LLP
More and More partnership firm is being transform to a limited liability of partnership. Partnership firm convert their firms into LLP. In which article we look the process for conversion to partnership into LLP.
- Approval name for LLP in prescribe form
- File application for conversion of a partnership into LLP
- File agreement with in 30 days with ROC
- Insurance of certificate of registration by ROC
- Send intimation to ROC regarding the converion of a partnership into LLP
Patent Registration
Patent registration is an entire right of making,using,modifying,selling, offer the sale or implication newly invented artivles and process by its owner.
- Patent database search
- filing of application before controller of patent
- Government Fees
- Patent registration
Advantage of Patent Registration
- Monoply advantage
- Sell patent
- Receiving
- Worldwide recognition
- Raising Capital
Patent Registraion Process
- Patentability Search on the basis
- Drafting of patent application
- Publication and Examination of Specification
- Objection
- Grant of patent
Trademark Registration
Trademark is a brand or logo of a company which is registered by the controller general of patents design and trademarks in india.
If anyone interested to register a brand name you can contact a company secretary or lawyer who can file online trademark registration
on IP india website.Trademark is any unique namefor products or services which is different from other company’s logo, graphics, photograph and word.A registered trademark is an intellectual property for a company and is used to protect the company’s investment in the brand.
Trademark registration package includes
- Trademark Research
- Drafting of authorization letter
- Discussion for Logo or wordmark Registration
- Final Application & Advice on Logo registration
- Regular notification